Date of bicycle bump(s) Total number of bumped bikes Departure station Travel directionScheduled departure time Train numberTrain typeComments
54th & KingSouth5:14pm370
Unfortunately your staff were turning away people when the south end bike cart was more than suffice to handle all cyclist. Your staff needs to do a better job at counting the number of available space before turn cyclist away. Simply counting number of bike through the door is not adequate since most folding bikes are left "folded" and does not take up room. It should be the responsibility of your staff to ensure every space is filled when available. Your conductors and station agents really need to take a more hands on approach and walk to the carts and confirm.
14th & KingSouth282Bombardier
I have experienced this multiple times, and this customer experience is unacceptable. Please take action to increase bicycle capacity as soon as possible.
54th & KingSouth376We were told that the bike car was full.
7Palo AltoNorth371Bombardier
I would like to encourage Caltrain to increase capacity for bikes on the new train cars or add another bike car. It is a rather unpleasant experience to have a time schedule planned and not be able to meet it because I am not allowed on the train.
01/07/20154Redwood CityNorth269Not good...
01/07/201584th & KingSouth5:14pm370Bombardier
01/12/2015822nd StreetSouth7:19am314
Could see at least 4 spots inside (racks with 3 bikes) but he wouldn't let any of us on
01/12/2015822nd StreetSouth314
01/13/20151Palo AltoNorth323
I would love to see an additional bike car on this train, or a conversion to a gallery train which has more space for bikes.
44th & KingSouth5:14pm370Gallery
01/20/20154Menlo ParkNorth5:19pm269
01/21/201510Palo AltoNorth375
Worth noting: the car didn't look full and there was a surveyor on the train. Not sure what that means...
01/21/20151Menlo ParkNorth6:19pm279
01/23/20152Menlo ParkNorth5:57pm277
01/26/201510HillsdaleNorth217People now calling work to say they will be late.
01/27/20156HillsdaleNorth217We were told that the bike car was full.
01/27/20156HillsdaleNorth217Although I got on I was the only one.
01/27/20151Redwood CityNorth8:45am227
02/03/201514Palo AltoNorth5:54pm277GalleryMight miss rental inspection
02/03/20154San Mateo269
This has never happened at this station to me and is an ominous sign of lack of bike capacity on Caltrain.
02/03/201516Palo AltoNorth5:54pm277
Please increase room for bikes on CalTrain. Maybe hit up Facebook or one of the other dot com entities for some funds. Seems like they have an abundance of employees in SF that bike commute. Just saying.
02/03/20151Palo Alto277
While I understand there is limited space, this is quite an inconvenience for those who depend on Caltrain for transportation. It is only the first week on February.
02/03/20156Redwood City279
Tonight I needed to get home to relieve my nanny at 7, but that won't happen because you stubbornly refuse to address the actual issue of bikes being bumped. Tonight I will pay for it with an extra 45 minutes of pay to my nanny, a wasted 45 minutes of time I could have spent with my daughter, and a pair of gloves that I apparently drop while running between cars. Awesome! Implementing a queuing system would help fairness. Another improvement would be to publish detailed bump statistics by train and station so I can at least try to determine which trains to avoid. Another option, particularly at RWC for the timed transfer to local service would be allow more bikes on because there are always a ton more that get off at the very next stop. It makes no sense to bump a bunch of people only to have half the bikes get off right away. I only wish you would DO something to improve the random kick in the face that is get bumped from Caltrain. There are many options, just try something.
02/04/2015322nd StreetSouth9:02am332Gallery
I was lucky enough to get on, others weren't so lucky. The train was at bike capacity, but still plenty of spare seats.
02/04/20153Redwood CityNorth5:25pm269GalleryI was last on. Count for rear bike car only.
02/03/20153Menlo ParkNorth5:57pm277Gallery
02/05/20153Palo AltoNorth269Bikes bumped from north car.
What's most upsetting is that I was bumped from the first car and sprinted down to the second car, only to have the doors closed a few seconds before I got there. Through the windows I could see two racks with only two bikes each on them. So the whole bumping business could have been avoided altogether with better communication. Most bikers try their best to work within the system, but in 18 months of bike commuting via Caltrain, I've mostly seen conductors act rudely or impatiently with bikers (with some refreshing exceptions). I get that Caltrain is the only commuter rail option for the peninsula, so commuters have no leverage. But conductors are making a crappy situation worse with their attitude.
02/10/201584th & KingSouth6:56pm278
02/10/201513Palo AltoNorth267
This was my first time ever riding Caltrain. There was plenty of room on my 6:45 ride to Palo Alto, but I was disappointed by the overwhelming lack of capacity for bicycle commuters on my way back. It was really cramped and uncomfortable. Please support us bicyclists by adding enough bike capacity on your trains.
02/11/20153Redwood CityNorth5:25pm269Gallery
02/12/201515Redwood CityNorth7:30am319Bombardier
There was space for bikes but the conductor was freaking out and did not let us on.
02/03/20153San MateoNorth5:36pm269Gallery
02/11/20153Mountain ViewNorth7:57am323Bombardier
Only one bike was allowed to board. I was there 15 mins early to be sure to get a spot but came out empty. Missed my meeting in the city
Combo train due to fatality (should have been a gallery but was a bombardier and it was packed)
02/10/20155Menlo ParkNorth6:46pm385Gallery
It was so disheartening. It made me really sad. Had such a long day and just wanted to go home. As ridership increases, can we not add more trains and/or more bike cars?
02/12/20159San AntonioNorth7:27am217Bombardier
whenever trains get combined, they bumped bikers. it really is annoying.
02/12/20155Palo AltoNorth6:43 pm385Gallery
A ton of bikes were getting on and filled it up. It made me late for date night :(
1st SB train of the day when operating on a holiday schedule is a bombardier and far over capacity for bikes by the time it hits Millbrae...really?

Is this mendacity of sheer incompetence?

Made an extra effort to travel to a station several miles from my home station to attempt to get to work at best an hour late and ended up being several hours late, no announcement of the train on the announcement board, conductor tells me there's another train behind, which is correct, but 20 minutes behind isn't directly behind right, and isn't that always true in some capacity, there's always another train behind?
2/19/201512MillbraeSouth8:15am322GalleryThere seemed room onboard
02/19/20154Menlo ParkNorth6:19pm279GallerySadness, late for dinner (again)
02/23/2015422nd StreetSouth7:49am220Gallery
Well it affects my day because I have to catch a connecting shuttle in Palo Alto. And even though I only have to wait 13 minutes for the next train it means I start work 35 minutes later and therefore I end up working 50 minutes extra at the end of the day due to associated shuttles and train schedules. It's a real drag.
02/23/20152California AvenueNorth9:42am135Bombardier
No ahead warning of train being at capacity for bikes. Conductor was rude to bumped passengers.
2/24/20152Palo AltoNorth5:16pm269Gallery
2/24/20159Redwood CityNorth5:25 pm269Gallery
The usual, missing time with my family.

Suggestion of the day: redesign the bike racks for the new bombardier cars to fit more bikes. There is plenty of wasted space in the current arrangement.
02/24/20155Menlo ParkNorth6:46pm385GalleryI caught the next train (287) which was maybe only half full.
02/25/20151122nd StreetSouth8:19am324Gallery
Conductor with short blonde hair said no more space. At the rear of the car there were at least 4 not full racks
02/24/20158Redwood City5:25 pm269Gallery
02/26/20156Menlo ParkNorth6:46pm385Gallery
Second bump this week and the train was 20 minutes late. It would be nice to get home for dinner.
Train stopped too far up platform so pedestrians overcrowded doors and 4 bikes could not get in despite 1-2 spaces on bike car
03/04/20158Mountain ViewNorth7:57 am323Bombardier
03/03/20151Menlo ParkNorth5:19pm269GalleryDelayed me getting home by almost 40 minutes.
03/05/20153Redwood CityNorth269Gallery
Real time delay info would really improve my commute. The signs should not just say how late the train is. It should include when it will arrive at the station.
03/05/20152022nd StreetSouth7:19am314Bombardier
The conductor made a comment that that is what we get for riding a bike
02/23/20151022nd StreetSouth7:19am314Bombardier
03/06/20156Redwood CityNorth5:53 pm375Gallery
Conductor advised cyclists that there was insufficient space and only permitted 3 to board the second (southern) bike car. Cyclists who were permitted to board counted an additional 6 bike spaces not used on the car.
03/05/201514th & KingSouth8:19 am226
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Henry Pan was bumped at San Francisco SB 226 at 8:19 am. #Caltrain' id:573642068993560576
03/05/20151HillsdaleNorth6:13 pm277
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Kelsey was bumped at Hillsdale NB at 6:13 pm. #Caltrain' id:573668167517478914
03/05/20151BelmontNorth5:40 pm273
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Emmy Williford was bumped at Belmont NB at 5:40 pm. #Caltrain' id:573669137626484736
03/05/2015122nd StreetSouth8:02 am322
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Michael Coyle was bumped at 22nd St SB 322 at 8:02 am. #Caltrain' id:573670842187431936
03/05/20151Menlo ParkNorth5:19 pm269
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Veronica was bumped at Menlo Park NB at 5:19 pm. #Caltrain' id:573670995011244034
03/05/2015122nd StreetSouth7:19 am314
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Keith osiewicz was bumped at 22nd St SB 314 at 7:19 am. #Caltrain' id:573649193719500801
03/05/201514th & KingSouth5:56 pm278
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Anonymous was bumped at San Francisco SB 278 at 5:56 pm. #Caltrain' id:573661418425188355
03/05/20151Palo AltoNorth5:52 pm267
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Amitabh was bumped at Palo Alto NB 267 at 5:52 pm. #Caltrain' id:573663462024437760
03/05/20151MillbraeSouth5:49 pm376
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Peter was bumped at Millbrae SB at 5:49 pm. #Caltrain' id:573667340514033664
03/05/20151HillsdaleNorth6:43 pm283
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Bob Loblaw was bumped at Hillsdale NB at 6:43 pm. #Caltrain' id:573676027395883009
03/05/20151Palo AltoSouth7:35 pm
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'ANUSTART was bumped at Palo Alto SB at 7:35 pm. #Caltrain' id:573689255613984768
03/06/20151Mountain ViewNorth7:57 am323
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Steve hackney was bumped at Mountain View NB 323 at 7:57 am. #Caltrain' id:573881095084621824
03/06/20151HillsdaleNorth8:16 am323
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Daniel P. was bumped at Hillsdale NB 323 at 8:16 am. #Caltrain' id:573955593569882113
03/06/20151Hayward ParkNorth5:47 am273
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Carlos was bumped at Hayward Park NB 273 at 5:47 am. #Caltrain' id:574030361790808064
03/09/20151HillsdaleSouth10:02 am226
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'one_crab was bumped at Hillsdale SB 226 at 10:02 am. #Caltrain' id:574999306790293504
03/09/201514th & KingSouth5:00 pm268
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Renee was bumped at San Francisco SB at 5:00 pm. #Caltrain' id:575068972388872193
03/09/2015122nd StreetSouth8:45 am230
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Amy Lange was bumped at 22nd St SB at 8:45 am. #Caltrain' id:575074613635387393
03/09/20151BurlingameSouth8:40 am226
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Guillaume B was bumped at Burlingame SB 226 at 8:40 am. #Caltrain' id:575096939110400000
03/09/20151BurlingameSouth8:40 am226
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Guillaume B was bumped at Burlingame SB 226 at 8:40 am. #Caltrain' id:575300740291280896
03/10/2015122nd StreetSouth7:19 am314
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Michael C was bumped at 22nd St SB at 7:19 am. #Caltrain' id:575301369122328576
03/10/2015122nd StreetSouth7:19 am314
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Anonymous was bumped at 22nd St SB at 7:19 am. #Caltrain' id:575301490836774912
03/10/20151San MateoNorth7:40 am215
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Brendon Ritz was bumped at San Mateo NB 215 at 7:40 am. #Caltrain' id:575306605127823360
03/10/20151San MateoNorth7:32 am215
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Anonymous was bumped at San Mateo NB 215 at 7:32 am. #Caltrain' id:575308834723512320
03/10/201510Redwood CityNorth7:45am217Gallery
Train already full when it arrived at Redwood City. Three riders were also bumped from the earlier 7:30 am train.
03/10/2015122nd StreetSouth8:24 am226
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Dave M was bumped at 22nd St SB 226 at 8:24 am. #Caltrain' id:575317083954810881
03/10/2015122nd StreetSouth8:24am226Gallery
Conductor said they were running with one bike car today, and suggested I report it.
03/10/201514th & KingSouth8:44 am230
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Mostafa mokhtar was bumped at San Francisco SB 230 at 8:44 am. #Caltrain' id:575321823916597248
03/10/201514th & KingSouth8:44 am230
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Sean was bumped at San Francisco SB 230 at 8:44 am. #Caltrain' id:575322786610028544
3/10/20151622nd StreetSouth8:49am230BombardierSwapped to a bomb and now a lot of people are late for work.
03/10/2015122nd StreetSouth8:49 am230
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'David was bumped at 22nd St SB 230 at 8:49 am. #Caltrain' id:575323767934611456
03/10/201514th & KingSouth8:44 am230
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Prateek Gupta was bumped at San Francisco SB at 8:44 am. #Caltrain' id:575326669633814528
03/10/2015122nd StreetSouth9:00 am332
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Spor was bumped at 22nd St SB at 9:00 am. #Caltrain' id:575327790628794368
3/10/2015522nd StreetSouth9:02am332Gallery
I managed to get on, counted at least 5 off the south bike car who didn't.
03/10/2015122nd StreetSouth8:49 am230
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Paul was bumped at 22nd St SB 230 at 8:49 am. #Caltrain' id:575328945211637760
03/10/20151San MateoNorth7:39 am319
CAUTION: There may have been more than one bump! Transferred from Twitter @BikesOnCaltrain: 'Anonymous was bumped at San Mateo NB 319 at 7:39 am. #Caltrain' id:575415527490895872
03/10/20153Palo AltoNorth5:06pm371Bombardier