SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund

The mission of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Education Fund is to provide education, training and services for San Francisco Bay Area residents who commute by bicycle or ride bicycles recreationally. The SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund EIN is 20-5182730.

SF Bicycle Coalition vs SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund
The SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports all of our organizational work except for endorsements of political candidates. The SF Bicycle Coalition is a 501(c)(4) organization, which means that contributions to the SF Bicycle Coalition are not tax-deductible. Your support of the SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund will be used for all of our important organizational needs except for direct political lobbying and candidate endorsements.

If a tax-deductible donation helps you, it also helps us! We can only be successful at making San Francisco a great biking city if we have the resources to do so. For tax-deductible donations, checks must be written to the SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund.

Gifts to the SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund are used to make San Francisco a better place for biking. Current programs and projects supported by the SF Bicycle Coalition Education Fund include:

  • SF CYCLES Campaign – Connecting Your City with Livability, Equity, and Safety
  • Bike It Forward program to distribute bicycles at no cost to people facing barriers to access
  • Free Urban Bicycle Education classes & how-to-ride workshops for adults
  • Freedom from Training Wheels training for small children
  • Professional driver education (commercial vehicles, city-car share organizations, bus drivers) on how to share the road safely with bikes
  • Bike to Work Day event hosting and promotion
  • Business consultation on how to make businesses more bike friendly

If you have questions, please contact our Development team at development@sfbike.org.


The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Education Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, governed by its own volunteer Board of Directors, who are appointed to their seats and meet quarterly. The Education Fund’s board shares responsibility for the organization’s financial health, and for achieving the education, outreach, training, and public service goals of the organization. The Education Fund is not involved in the 501(c)4’s endorsements of political candidates.

  • Michael Nguyen
  • Jean Kao
  • Roan Kattouw
  • Jane Natoli
  • Lawrence Pan