Our goal as an organization is big and bold: to promote the bicycle for everyday transportation. Since last May’s Bike to Work Day, we have had so many moments worth celebrating that have helped us grow closer to achieving our mission. In honor of May being Bike Month, we’re leaning into our nostalgia (and pride) and looking back on what our staff, members, volunteers and city partnerships have been able to make possible.
- We can celebrate car-free streets in Golden Gate Park, McLaren Park, the Presidio, the Great Highway, Twin Peaks and in neighborhoods citywide thanks to San Francisco’s Slow Streets and our advocacy work with City staff.
- We made sure bike shops could remain open during public health order, put together resources for how to bike amidst the pandemic and are working to match free bikes to frontline workers through Bike Match.
- With Mayor London Breed’s announcement of building 20 new miles of protected bike lanes between May 2019 – May 2021, we partnered with the City to create the quick-build policy to accelerate the process of bike lane installation. As a result, we saw a record-breaking 6.4 miles of protected bike lanes go in the ground!
- Over the course of eight bike distribution events as part of our Bike it Forward program, 164 bikes were distributed to folks who otherwise wouldn’t have access to biking. Volunteers at 36 Community Repair Nights gave over 1,000 volunteer hours to fix up bikes so that we could distribute them for free to those who need them.
- The Better Market Street project was approved in October 2019. Market Street became car-free on January 29, 2020. Banning private vehicles, restricting turns for vehicles and adding bike connections to and onto Market Street were the first steps in Market Street’s long-term transformation.
- 800 people attended one or more of our free Adult Bike Education classes empowering more people to experience the joy and freedom of biking.
- Lastly, we connected with San Franciscans like never before. We spoke with 9,000+ people at our outreach efforts, distributed thousands of free front and rear lights at our Light Up the Night events, and taught 335 bus drivers how to share the road and drive safely around people biking.
We want to celebrate Bike Month with you (virtually, of course.) Get involved by attending one of our online events inspired by our top wins of the year, using #ibikesf on social media to share what biking means to you and making May the month to renew your membership.
Our wins would not have been possible without our members. Help us continue our work to make biking an accessible, safe, affordable and sustainable form of transportation for all San Franciscans.