We are proud that our decades-long work has resulted in all day access for bikes on BART. We are now focusing our attention on increasing secure bike parking at stations and improving the bike routes to BART stations. To get involved in this on-going campaign, email Janice.

BART’s Bicycle Plan

In 2012, BART outlined a ten-year strategic plan to improve bicycle access to and BART stations. The goal is to double the number of passengers who access BART by bicycle to 8% by 2022. The focus of the plan was to increase secure bike parking, encouraging more people to access the stations by bike through messaging campaigns, and to improve access to bikes onboard – a victory won in October 2013 after years of advocacy from our dedicated members that permanently lifted the bike ban at all times.

Secure Bike Parking

While nearly all of BART stations have bike parking, not all locations have adequate or safe facilities. We continue to urge an increase number of secure options, whether a bike station (seen at Embarcadero Station), e-lockers (seen at Balboa Park and Glen Park Stations) or well-lit corrals located behind entrance gates or near station agents.


  • 1972: BART opens, bicycles prohibited on trains and in stations at all times
  • 1975: Bicycles allowed only during off-peak hours, in rear of last car only — and only with a permit
  • 1988: Bicycles allowed during peak hours in reverse-commute directions — with a permit
  • 1997: Permits no longer required, bicycles allowed in any car but first during, except during rush-hour
  • 1998: Bicycles allowed at all times on Richmond-Fremont line
  • 1999:  Bicyclists no longer required to use rear door of each permissible car
  • 2002: BART adopts first-ever Bicycle Plan with a goal of 3% ridership by 2010
  • 2008: While daily ridership increased by 27% over a decade, riders with bicycles increased by 69%
  • 2011: BART begins retrofits of cars to improve access for wheelchair users, bicycles, and passengers with luggage
  • 2012: BART conducts first Bike Pilot, allowing bikes all hours on Fridays through month of June.
  • 2013: After first successful pilot, BART holds second Bike Pilot, allowing bikes all hours for one week in March.
  • 2013: BART begins third Bike Pilot from July 1st until December 1st. Bicycles will be allowed on BART at all times.
  • 2013: Lifting of bike ban unanimously approved by BART Board of Directors!