The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is the principal advocate speaking for the tens of thousands of people who bike in San Francisco each day. Your tax-deductible gift to the SFBC Education Fund amplifies our efforts to promote the bicycle for everyday transportation through public education, grassroots organizing, and citizen advocacy.

Planned Giving
You can make a lasting contribution to the work of SF Bicycle Coalition by naming us as a beneficiary in your will, or a recipient of a portion of your estate, or by establishing a charitable trust.

Matching Gifts
Thousands of companies have matching gift programs that double the tax-deductible donations made by their employees. Companies depend on you to tap into these funds because they use it as a tax benefit to them. Double your impact today by making a workplace match.

Stock Gifts and Mutual Funds
Giving stock and mutual funds provides important tax benefits to you as a donor. When you give long-term appreciated stock to the SFBC Education Fund, you will qualify for an income tax charitable deduction based on the average share price of your stock on the date on which you make your gift. Simply contact us and our development team will get back to you.
Community Thrift
Turn your cast-offs into better bikeways! Take your used clothing and items to Community Thrift (623 Valencia Street) and tell the staff you want to allocate the donation for the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Donations to Community Thrift have resulted in more than $100,000 toward our bicycle advocacy.
Sports Basementeer Program
Join Sports Basement’s Basementeer program and receive 10% off every item, every time you shop. Name San Francisco Bicycle Coalition as your chosen charity and Sports Basement will donate 10% of yearly profits to beneficiaries, allocated according to the spend of the customers supporting them. If you are already a Basementeer, consider naming SFBike as your beneficiary.
Farm Fresh to You
5% for you and 10% for better bikeways! Eat healthier and support local organic farmers by joining Farm Fresh to You or updating your existing account with the promo code SFBIKE. With each delivery of fresh, organic produce and natural grocery items you receive, San Francisco Bicycle Coalition will earn 10% back, and you will save 5% on all your deliveries.

Car Donation
Donating your new or used car to the SF Bicycle Coalition through our partners at CARS is an investment in our streets and neighborhoods and provides a tax benefit for you. Proceeds from the sale of a donated vehicle are fully tax-deductible, and proceeds from the transaction go to the SF Bicycle Coalition.