Rules of the Road
Do you know how to bike safely and legally in San Francisco? Our Bicycle Rules of the Road provide the 10 rules and responsibilities all bike riders in San Francisco should know. The SF Bicycle Coalition teaches safe, legal riding and we reach tens of thousands of people with our Rules of the Road every year.

Crash Checklist
If you are involved in a collision, it’s important to know the steps to follow to ensure that you receive fair response from the police and collect information you may need for future legal issues. Even if you are not injured, follow this checklist as injuries can come up later.

Bicycle-Friendly Lawyers
Need a lawyer? The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has compiled a list of bicycle-friendly lawyers in the city. The list is provided only as a service to our members; no endorsement is made by the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition.

Tickets on Bicycles
People biking are legally defined as vehicles on the road, and are subject to all the same rights and rules as a person driving a vehicle. When people biking do not follow the law, police may issue a traffic citation. Read our frequently asked questions regarding traffic citations issued to people on bikes.