You know what it’s like to ride on a street where it feels like even the most cautious bicycling isn’t enough to keep you safe.
Welcome to most of Polk Street, which is ranked one of the five most dangerous streets in San Francisco.
Watch this 30-second video and you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.
A new design for Polk is in the works with major decisions happening over the next several weeks. But right now, the current City proposal isn’t the comprehensive, transformative and truly safe proposal it needs to be.
Here’s how you can help win a safe Polk Street today:
- WRITE to the District 3 Supervisor Julie Christensen and the SFMTA Board of Directors and urge them to stand up for safety.
- HELP GATHER signatures in support of a safe Polk Street this week.
- JOIN or RENEW your SF Bicycle Coalition membership to support our ongoing work for a better Polk St.