As part of Vision Zero, just last week the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) committed to prioritizing 40 bike and pedestrian infrastructure improvements in areas with a high injury rate.
These spot improvements were chosen based on data from the Department of Public Health, which analyzed crash data to identify high injury corridors and intersections for bicyclists and pedestrians. While timelines will vary, the SFMTA has committed to getting all forty of these done in 24 months, which means there will be lots of exciting new projects in the works! Thanks to the SFMTA for prioritizing these important fixes.
Here’s a list of what’s coming your way:
- Market, Duboce and Buchanan Bike Treatments (Complete!)
- Fulton Street Green Wave (Complete!)
- 6th Street and Howard Street Pedestrian Improvements (Complete!)
- Columbus Avenue Bus Bulbs, Powell to Union (estimated completion September 2014)
- Leading Pedestrian Interval at 4th and King (estimated completion September 2014)
- Traffic Signal at Masonic and Ewing (estimated completion September 2014)
- Traffic Signal at Geary and Palm (estimated completion September 2014)
- Market Street Cycletrack, Gough to 12th (estimated completion December 2014)
- Sunset Boulevard Speed Reduction, Irving to Ocean (estimated completion December 2014)
- Mission at Silver Transit Bulb-out (estimated completion December 2014)
- Traffic Signal at 6th and Minna (estimated completion December 2014)
- Traffic Signal at 16th and Capp (estimated completion December 2014)
- King Street Road Diet, 2nd to 3rd Street (estimated completion March 2015)
- Sutter Street Bulb-outs (estimated completion March 2015)
- Ellis-Eddy Two-Way Bicycle Improvements (estimated completion June 2015)
- Howard Street Pilot Road Diet, 6th to 10th Streets (estimated completion June 2015)
- Division Street Rotary Bike Improvements (estimated completion June 2015)
- Tenderloin Intersection Daylighting (estimated completion June 2015)
- 5th Street Green Sharrows, Market to Townsend (estimated completion June 2015)
- Market Street Corridor Improvements (estimated completion September 2015)
- 19th Avenue Signal Timing (estimated completion June 2015)
- Geary Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements (estimated completion June 2015)
- Mission Street Intersections (estimated completion June 2015)
- Geary, Leavenworth and Eddy at Mason Pedestrian Intersection Treatments (estimated completion June 2015)
- Kearny Street Pedestrian Improvements (estimated completion June 2015)
- Geneva at Brookdale, Pedestrian Intersection Improvements (estimated completion June 2015)
- Persia Triangle Pedestrian Safety Improvements (estimated completion June 2015)
- Potrero Avenue Streetscape (Phase 1 estimated completion December 2015)
- Bicycle Improvements at 11th at Bryant and 13th (estimated completion December 2015)
- 16th Street and Market Bulb-outs (estimated completion December 2015)
- Auto Collision Locations Signal Timing, location TBD (estimated completion December 2015)
- Pedestrian Injury Locations and Signal Timing, location TBD (estimated completion December 2015)
- Webster Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements (estimated completion March 2016)
- 2nd Street Road Diet (estimated completion March 2016)
- Ocean and Geneva Safety Improvements (estimated completion March 2016)
- Polk Street Early Implementation, bulbouts and crosswalks (estimated completion March 2016)
- Irving Street Intersections, Arguello to 9th Avenue (estimated completion March 2016)
- Columbus Avenue Bulb-outs at Stockton, Vallejo and Broadway (estimated completion March 2016)
- Bicycle Intersection Improvement at Valencia and Duboce (estimated completion March 2016)
- Golden Gate Road Diet (schedule pending Project Manager assignment)
Have other suggestions for spot improvements? Submit a bikeway improvement here.
Thanks, as always, to our members for supporting our ongoing work to make San Francisco streets safer and more comfortable for everyone. Join the SF Bicycle Coalition today and support our daily advocacy to improve your commute.