Today, the San Francisco Transportation Authority unanimously approved funding for safety improvements to Masonic Avenue, 2nd Street and Mansell Street. This is a huge win for safer, more complete San Francisco streets — especially on Masonic Avenue, one of San Francisco’s most deadly streets.
In the last five years, 122 people have been injured and two people killed, just on 2/3 of a mile of Masonic. Thanks to today’s funding decision, this deadly corridor will be transformed into a safer place for all road users.
For more than five years, San Francisco Bicycle Coalition members and staff have been working for critical safety improvements to Masonic Avenue. From our partnership in the community-based “Fix Masonic” project to our work in getting a bicycle light at Masonic and Fell to our on-the-ground outreach, our staff and members have been fighting for Masonic improvements every step of the way.
The funding for Masonic Avenue comes from federal money, through the One Bay Area Grant. The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition worked tirelessly to help the City secure this funding, and helped make sure that the money would go to projects most needed, included Masonic and 2nd Street.
Thanks to our members and community partners, the SFMTA unanimously approved a redesign of Masonic Avenue earlier this year, which includes pedestrian improvements, 100 new trees planted and San Francisco’s first raised bikeway. This complete streets boulevard will provide a safer route for all road users.
The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition’s work on Masonic is an example of our years-long advocacy to create safer streets for all road users. If this dramatically improved Masonic Boulevard will make your bike ride, walk or drive safer, please join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, and support this tenacious advocacy on other key streets like Market and Polk streets.
This safe streets approval and funding of this project comes from years of collaboration with City partners, community and neighborhood groups, and SF Bicycle Coalition members who attended countless meetings, wrote letters of support, spoke up at hearings and collaborated to transform Masonic Avenue to a safer place for everyone. Thank you!
Kristin Smith is the Communications Director for the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Click here for more information about the Masonic Avenue safety improvements.
For questions email kristin AT sfbike DOT org.