Last Week We Rallied Together: Here are the next 90 days

90-Day Action Plan

Last week, hundreds of people gathered on the steps of City Hall to demand protected bike lanes to put a stop to losing lives on our streets. Keep that momentum going by joining our campaign.

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With Supervisor Matt Haney leading the charge, the crowd went up to the SF Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board of Directors’ meeting to flood public comment with their stories. So many people turned out that an overflow room had to be opened to accommodate the speakers. Public comment lasted for hours and many shared powerful stories and memories.

Thank you to all who are pushing for change on our streets. With your help, we were able to win significant commitments from multiple elected officials and decision makers. Here’s a recap of what we won:

  • Supervisor Haney committed to pushing through protected bike lane projects on the most dangerous streets in his downtown district. He literally chanted for protected bike lanes!
  • The SFMTA committed to extending Howard bike lanes past Moscone to Third in April. They also committed to creating plans for Howard Street from Third to the Embarcadero.
  • The SFMTA Board directed staff to develop a 90-Day Action Plan to address bike safety citywide.

These are great first steps but more work needs to be done. The 90-day Action Plan, in particular, is an exciting opportunity that will require collaborative input to guide and shape. We’ll continue to work with the SFMTA to make sure it is far-reaching. We also want a broader policy shift to change how we approve bike lane projects; we are working hard with Supervisor Haney and Mayor London Breed to figure out the mechanism.

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