After last summer’s mobility survey, the SF County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) has been hard at work to take resident feedback to reimagine the way you move in District 4. Now, the SFCTA and Supervisor Gordon Mar are ready to report back on their potential solutions to increase walking, biking, and transit use in the Outer Sunset and Parkside neighborhoods. Will you join the virtual open house on March 27 to let them know your thoughts?
At the open house, the SFCTA will provide several long-term options for the Great Highway. We’ve seen what an amazing community space it’s become in the last year and this is your chance to show your support for maintaining the space. Additionally, they’ll present a proposal for a family neighborway network in District 4 which would create a safe, comfortable network of low-traffic streets for those walking and biking. This network is crucial as we continue to reimagine the ways we move around our city in the years beyond the pandemic.
Alongside the Great Highway and family neighborway network, the SFCTA will also present potential improvements to key business corridors, a community shuttle, safety improvements for Lincoln Way, improvements to public transit, and more.
If you’re a resident of District 4 and take Muni, bike, walk, drive, or roll, we need you at the virtual open house on Saturday, March 27. Will you show up and help us reimagine the way we move in the District? Register here to attend.