Proposal for bike lanes on Geneva Avenue to connect Ocean Avenue to San Jose Avenue.
If you live in the OMI neighborhoods or if you attend SF State or City College, you probably know Ocean Avenue as a great biking corridor. You also probably bike on this street if you’re using BART or Muni in the Balboa Park area, or if you love the mix of shops and restaurants there.
Over the last year, the San Francisco Planning Department has been hosting a series of community workshops and open houses to use funding from the 2011 Streets Bond to bring improvements to Ocean Avenue. There’s a community meeting coming up on February 11, and we’d love to see you there!
Based on community input, near-term improvements coming this year include bike racks, increased pedestrian space, landscaping and more. Next week, the City will be presenting the recommendations for long-term improvements, which focuses more on circulation of people biking, walking and driving through and around this neighborhood.
Ocean Avenue Corridor Design Final Open House
Wednesday, February 11 from 6:30-8PM
Lick-Wilmerding High School at 755 Ocean Avenue
Thanks to strong community support at the recent workshops, the current proposals include strong bicycle improvements on Ocean and Geneva Avenues, which are both on the bike network. These two streets are part of the North-South Bikeway, connecting to the new buffered bikeways on San Jose Avenue to create a more seamless connection from southern neighborhoods to the Mission and downtown San Francisco.
For more background on the Ocean Avenue Corridor Design project, check out SF Planning’s website here. Can’t make the meeting but want to stay involved with Ocean Avenue and other projects nearby? Email our community organizer at