Anyone who’s been at the intersection of Mission Street and Geneva Avenue in the Excelsior knows that this location could be far more welcome to people who bike and walk. We’re excited that after years of planning and collaborating with the neighborhood, the SF Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is ready to share its plan for improving this intersection and the surrounding streets. Attend an open house on either April 10 or April 13 to ensure biking is prioritized.
From Muni reliability to gaps in the bike network, we know that getting around the Excelsior isn’t always the easiest. If we want to make our neighborhoods more accessible and welcoming for everybody, we need to make sure that we use every chance we get to build out better biking and walking connections.
Over the last several months, we’ve been turning out to all kinds of different meetings where community members have had a chance to talk directly with City planners about opportunities for improvements. Next week, you’ll have two chances to support better bike lanes on Geneva Avenue and several proposals to improve pedestrian safety along these busy streets filled with local shops and restaurants.
We expect these two open houses will be your last opportunities to weigh in before the project moves to approval, so there’s no better time to get involved than now.
Excelsior Open House #1
Wednesday, April 10, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Excelsior Playground Clubhouse (579 Madrid St.)
Excelsior Open House #2
Saturday, April 13, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Excelsior Playground Clubhouse (579 Madrid St.)