Traffic Calming for McLaren Park and Beyond

McLaren Park, San Francisco’s second largest park, has seen huge investments to make the park more bike-friendly and fun over the past couple of years. The Mansell People’s Path and Bike Park both provide dedicated safe places for all levels of riders. Despite these huge changes, the streets that people riding use to get to and from the park still need improvements. We now have huge opportunities to make the area safe for people riding through traffic calming and other safety measures.

Tell the City

Automobile speed is a huge issue both within McLaren Park and in nearby neighborhoods. To start tackling this issue, we are pushing the City to implement traffic calming throughout the area. Already, we’ve seen important progress with twelve new speed humps and three new speed tables being implemented on John F Shelley Drive within the park.

This new traffic calming is great news for people riding within McLaren Park, but safe bike access to the park from nearby neighborhoods is still an area where we can see big improvements. As a next step, we are fighting for neighborhood traffic calming throughout the Excelsior and we need your help to identify the best places for these safety measures.

In the next two weeks, City planners will host office hours at the Excelsior Library to hear from residents about where they want safe streets. Unlike their regular open houses, these office hours will be a place for City staff to address specific concerns face to face. This new approach is a huge opportunity to have one-on-one time with decision makers, and we want to make sure they hear from our members. See below for details and to RSVP.

Excelsior Traffic Calming Office Hours
Excelsior Library Branch, 4400 Mission St.
Wednesday, March 7, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Tuesday, March 13, 12:30 – 2:00 pm

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