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  2. MyBikeSkills

Excelsior Bikes! Community Bicycle Workshop at Denman Middle School*

James Denman Middle School 241 Oneida Ave, San Francisco, CA

Bring your family, friends, bikes and helmets to a free Community Bicycle Workshop at a shared-use schoolyard in District 11. Join us at Denman Middle School 10:00 am Learn to Ride (all ages) 12:00 pm Pre-Road Skills (on the blacktop) 1:30 pm Neighborhood Ride (2-4 miles) Reserve your slot in advance at www.mybikeskills.com/services.  Additional workshop dates: […]


EVENT CHANGE: Neighborhood Bike Ride in the Excelsior*

Guadalupe Elementary School 859 Prague St, San Francisco, CA

Excelsior Bikes! workshop at Guadalupe Elementary (10:00 am-1:30 pm) ends with an easy loop on neighborhood streets and bike routes, and return to our start point. If you would like to participate in this ride, please register in advance at mybikeskills.com or onsite with Excelsior Bikes! Parents and volunteers: this is a great chance to […]


*Events not officially sponsored or organized by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an asterisk. We post events that might be of interest to our SF area members; we do not necessarily endorse any particular group or perspective you may find represented here.

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