January always seems like a good time to reflect on how the past year went and look forward to the next year, make some resolutions and think about what’s next.
We’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on Women Bike SF and all of the amazing firsts that we achieved in 2015. We acquired our first sponsor, thanks to Rahman Law. We reached our first 700 people through events, a survey and our Meetup Group. And we shared our work with many, many more people across the Bay Area in a feature on KALW.
We really couldn’t do any of it without the support of our members, the enthusiasm of the women, trans*, femme (WTF) cycling community, and our allies. Thanks to everyone who’s participated and contributed. We’re excited to keep our momentum rolling into 2016!
5 things you can do to start biking more in 2016
- Join a new group (or start your own).
The number of group-rides and social media groups for WTF biking just keeps growing. If you’re looking for some new faces and a whole lot of inspiration, check out some of the rides and groups we’ve connected with through our work. If you have one that you’ve started or would like to share with us, we’d love to hear about it at women@sfbike.org.
- Learn something new.
Feeling like you don’t know anything? While that’s not true at all, we do have some ways you can boost your knowledge and confidence, starting with the SF Bicycle Coalition’s Intro to Urban Cycling courses. We’d love to see you there, but don’t forget to check out these great learning resources, too:
- Attend an open shop night at the Bike Kitchen;
- Go to a class on how to fix a flat at your local bike shop; and/or
- Come to a Women Bike SF event.
Feel like you’ve done it all and you need more? Your local bike shop is your best friend. Read this awesome report on Women and Bike Shops to learn more about why women are an important part of keeping bike shops going.
- Come to a monthly Coffee Hour!
If you haven’t yet, come hang out in 2016. We get together on the 1st Friday of each month to meet new people, have great conversations, and connect in a fun and welcoming social setting. You can see the calendar HERE.
- Take on a new challenge
From riding on Bike to Work Day, to commuting on two wheels, or even doing your first long-distance ride or a race, 2016 presents the opportunity to turn a new page with your bike. What is it going to be? Dream big. And then let us know how we can help. We’ll be doing our best to seek out new challenges right there with you.
Tweet your challenge @sfbike using #womenbikesf.
- Bring your friends with you
Women Bike SF was launched because we know that riding bikes is more fun with friends both new and old. In fact, when you bring people with you it’s exponentially more likely that you’ll do the other four things on this list! You’ll take on new challenges, teach each other more and make even more friends. And you’ll double your impact.
Our goal is to connect even more women to biking in SF. It is something we know we can do and it’s a resolution we work on every day. We’re excited to keep growing by providing more women, trans* and femme-identified people the tools and spaces to keep building community around biking. Join us in making 2016 a great year for WTF riders in SF!