We had plenty of sunshine in the Outer Sunset as we celebrated Sunday Streets last weekend. There was no doubt that on Sunday, Golden Gate Park was a park for people first. What if every day felt a little bit more like that?
The streets that run through Golden Gate Park are long overdue for an upgrade to make walking and biking in this beloved slice of nature an unbeatable experience. The SF Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and the Recreation and Park Department are working together on a plan to do just that. Take the survey to let them know what you think of their recommendations.
Last weekend was the biggest Sunday Streets of the year, featuring a car-free JFK Drive all the way to the ocean and along the southern half of the Great Highway. People had the opportunity to review the City’s recommendations for park improvements and share their biking and walking experiences directly with City planners.
The near-term measures include designs for slowing down traffic such as speed humps, raised crosswalks, stop signs and traffic signals all along JFK Drive and MLK Drive. But this is only the beginning, and a long-term plan is in the works. San Francisco deserves a world-class park that supports and encourages walking and biking, not a thoroughfare for fast-moving traffic. Advocate for what you want to see by filling out this survey, which will influence these near-term changes and shape the long-term vision of Golden Gate Park.