At the same time that protected bike lanes go in the ground in our downtown neighborhoods, the expansion of the bicycle network in our outer neighborhoods remains an important part of getting more people onto bikes.
In the Excelsior, many of the main corridors have bicycle infrastructure, but connections to neighborhoods, parks and schools are close to nonexistent. As an area with such a high concentration of schools, children and families, it’s essential that connecting bicycle routes make current and new riders feel safe and comfortable getting around their neighborhood by bicycle.
As a part of their larger Excelsior Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project, the SF Municipal Transportation Agency will build off our existing efforts on the main bicycle routes to provide safe connections on neighborhood streets. Traffic calming measures such as traffic diverters, speed humps, stop signs and new crosswalks are all on the table.
When it comes to determining where these improvements should go, we need the community’s help. At an upcoming member ride, we want to hear from you about the routes and destinations you use in the Excelsior. We’ll look at the streets best suited for bicycle improvements and talk through how best to get them in the ground. Join us and RSVP below.
Excelsior Streets Ride
Saturday, May 26 — 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Corner of Ocean Avenue and Mission Street