The SF Bicycle Coalition and SF firefighters invite all children and families to ride with us on off-street Panhandle Park paths and protected bike lanes to a car-free JFK Drive. The SF Fire Department will station one of their trucks there for families to explore and enjoy.
We’ll start at 10:00 am this Saturday, May 5 with a safety check and quick lesson on biking safely in a group, take a practice loop on the Panhandle paths, and then head to Golden Gate Park.
This event is organized by the SF Bicycle Coalition with support from the SF Fire Department and parents from nearby Grattan Elementary School. Grattan Elementary, a Safe Routes to School host site, has one of the highest bike-and-walk rates in the city. Grattan parent, SF Bicycle Coalition member and Vision Zero advocate “Fireman Mike” Crehan will be one of the ride leaders. He and his two daughters bike to school together from the Outer Richmond to their school in Cole Valley on a daily basis.
This event is free and open to adults and children with basic biking ability. There’ll be an optional return ride at noon. Family bikes, trailers and babies on board are all welcome.
Please RSVP so we’ll be sure to have enough ride leaders.