From on-street bike racks, bike corrals, and secure indoor bike parking, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is leading the charge in making sure you have a safe, convenient space to lock your bike at home, at your office and when you’re out on the town. We work closely with the City to provide free on-street bike racks and corrals for businesses, help employees and building managers understand and use the employee bike access bill, and provide bike parking consultations to our business members. And now that the City’s bike parking requirements for new buildings is in effect, we see a great opportunity to engage architects, designers, and developers to make sure they’re designing innovative, convenient, and attractive bike parking spaces.
With this goal in mind, we are partnering with the San Francisco chapter of the American Institute of Architects and Saris Parking for a bike parking course this Thursday, July 17 to acquaint architects and designers with best practices for designing indoor and outdoor bike parking. The course surveys a variety of solutions to create functional and efficient bike parking, highlights bike parking products, reviews bicyclists’ needs, gives instruction on utilizing bike parking to optimize LEED points, and provides suggestions for integrating bike parking into overall building design. SF Bicycle Coalition members get a discounted $10 rate for the class. RSVP today.
Stay tuned for more bike parking programs and events this Fall!
For general bike parking inquiries please contact Paolo at