Last December, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SMTA) launched a two-week virtual open house to hear your feedback on their proposal to install bike lanes on Anza Street. Now, the project is ready to head toward approvals after taking feedback into consideration.
Can we count on you to send in a letter of support to help us build out the bike network in the Richmond District?
During the open house, one thing became clear: The SFMTA needed to include more safety improvements for pedestrians. Thanks to the work of neighborhood advocacy, the project now includes additional pedestrian safety improvements like speed humps, advanced limit lines at stops and additional high-visibility crosswalks. People who took the survey also want to see bike-friendly streets, with over 70% of respondents in support of bike lanes for all of Anza, from Masonic to 30th Avenue.

Example of advanced limit lines. Photo: SFMTA.

Example of high-visibility crosswalks. Photo: SFMTA.
This project was dreamt up during the planning phase of the Central Richmond Traffic Safety Project in 2019. Thanks to the leadership of both former Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer and current Supervisor Connie Chan, the project is close to fruition. If approved, the bike network in the Richmond District will be vastly improved between the safety between Arguello Boulevard and 30th Avenue. As we look toward the future of car-free space in Golden Gate Park, safe routes to and from the park must be prioritized. Write a letter of support today to help the cause.