There’s no doubt about it: the largely-car-free Tenderloin is by far one of the most dangerous neighborhoods to bike and walk in our city. Every street is part of the City’s Vision Zero High-Injury Network, meaning they’re among the 12 percent of San Francisco’s streets that account for most collisions resulting in severe and fatal injuries. Tenderloin residents, including thousands of seniors, children and people with disabilities, brave these streets everyday at their own risk.
Largely catalyzed by our work to make Polk Street safer, your SF Bicycle Coalition has been working hard to address this clear inequity in who is impacted by traffic violence. In collaboration with the community-based Vision Zero Coalition, strong community allies like the Central City SRO Collaborative and our own members, we advocated last year for improved visibility to many of the neighborhood’s intersections through the Tenderloin Daylighting Project, that saw visual barriers removed from 80 intersections to improve visibility.
Our goal this year is even more ambitious: The Tenderloin’s first eastbound bike lane on Golden Gate Avenue. By removing one traffic lane on this high-speed, high-volume street, enough space will created to put in a buffered bike lane connecting the soon-to-be-improved Polk Street bike lanes with Market Street.
More bike lanes in the Tenderloin are a good thing for everyone: from residents currently forced to ride on the sidewalk because they’re afraid to venture onto the streets, to commuters wishing to have a faster and more direct route to Market and for local businesses and organizations by allowing clients and members another safe transportation mode.
Help us win the first eastbound bike lane in the Tenderloin this year: Join our campaign and keep informed of opportunities to speak up in favor for a safer, more bikeable neighborhood.