How do we get a Market Street that is accessible to all? With Better Market Street up for approval in October, the City has been extensively testing proposed design elements to make sure what is constructed works for all users.
This project will be transformative and illustrate what accessibility for all means to San Francisco. With this redesign comes the opportunity to revolutionize Market Street — and separating a sidewalk level bike lane from the actual sidewalk used by pedestrians is a first step. The buffer between bicycle and pedestrian space needs to be passable by people biking who need to get to their destination. It also has to be detectable by blind and visually impaired people and passable by people with mobility disabilities.
To test the various ways to separate a sidewalk level bike lane, SF Public Works set up a demonstration pilot. In a port warehouse, mock sidewalks and bike lanes were set up, each separated by stretches of different tactile materials for various users to test with their canes, wheelchairs, and bicycles.
SF Bicycle Coalition staff and members were able to sit in on these demos to test ride bikes over the different surfaces. With data from the tests, the City will be able to ensure that the new sidewalk level bike lanes are well made, safe, and comfortable to people riding and to people with disabilities.
This level of design work is crucial at this point in our campaign for Better Market Street. With final approvals coming up this fall, we need to make sure all aspects of the project are where they need to be to make our vision for Market Street a reality — and an accessible one.
Join us and help us get approval for this project this fall.