We may work specifically in San Francisco, but bike lanes don’t stop at the county line. That’s why we headed down to San Jose last week to gather together with our regional counterparts at the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and Bike East Bay.
We’ve long partnered with Bike East Bay around both the BART and Bay Bridge campaigns, and we more recently released a joint platform statement with Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition regarding bike access on Caltrain. It was great to meet up with these folks for a mini reunion!
Several of our staff chose to make the trip down to San Jose by bringing our bikes on Caltrain, but Bonnie, Brian and Francisco chose a far more scenic route, biking the 50+ miles from San Francisco all the way to San Jose along the San Francisco Bay Trail.
The Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition proved fantastic hosts, showing us the progress that’s been made with new bike lanes, talking about exciting projects in the works, and sharing new ideas. Did you know San Jose has 16 Bay Area Bike Share stations scattered around their downtown area? And San Jose is home to the beautiful Guadalupe River Trail, an 11-mile bicycle and pedestrian trail winding through the city.
Throughout the afternoon, we noticed common themes across all three organizations – incredible members, great events and tireless advocates. And we loved the chance to kick back and have fun with our colleagues from around the Bay Area!