By Michaela Tait Morrison
When Xtracycle donated an Edgerunner family bike for our 2017 Bike & Roll to School Week participant raffle, we knew that one lucky family was going to be very happy. And we’re happy to announce that that family is the Parkhursts!
Martin and Teresa Parkhurst are ecstatic to start riding their new family bike. “I have never won anything before!” Teresa said.
The Parkhursts have two children: a seven-year-old at Sunnyside Elementary and a toddler still unable to ride independently. With their new Xtracycle Edgerunner replacing an increasingly heavy trailer hitched to his older bike, Martin looks forward to easier riding to and from school.
Congratulations to the Parkhurst family! Keep an eye out for the whole family biking around San Francisco together soon.
We hope that the Parkhursts inspire other families to bike to school this year. Before summer ends and the school year starts, we encourage you to find the right biking gear for you and yours.
If you’re considering a family bike of your very own, you can always come test ride a family bike at the next Sunday Streets.