We have some good news and some not-as-good news about the Bay Bridge People Path, and we need your help getting the word out.
First, the not-as-good news: The Bay Bridge People Path is going to be closed every other week between August and November. We met with Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol and Bike East Bay to hear out explanations and work out closure details to be as unintrusive as possible. They laid out a convincing case for why security concerns require that the People Path must close for the week leading up to the final demolitions of foundations that supported the old East Span.
That’s right. These are the final closures of the Bay Bridge People Path related to demolition of the old span’s foundations, if all goes as planned.
And that’s not even the good news!
We also solicited from Caltrans a commitment to opening the Bay Bridge People Path 24 hours a day, seven days weekly by mid-May of 2018. So it sounds like people biking on both sides of the Bay will have one more big reason to celebrate on Bike to Work Day 2018.
In the meantime, please share the graphic above — or this whole blog post — on Facebook, listserves, Twitter and anywhere where people who bike exchange information. We really don’t want anyone going out for a leisurely ride over the Bay in the months ahead only to find demolition work and a gate barring their enjoyment of the Bay Bridge People Path.