After 17 years with the organization, our current Executive Director is stepping down to pursue her next opportunity. We are looking for a strong, passionate leader who can take our successful organization to the next level. The ideal person is a tenacious advocate, an effective leader, and a creative problem solver with a passion for our mission and an innate ability to connect personally with our diverse and active membership base.
About the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
For more than 40 years, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has been transforming San Francisco streets and neighborhoods into more livable and safe places by promoting the bicycle for everyday transportation. Through our day-to-day advocacy, education and working partnerships with City and community groups, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition creates safer streets and more livable communities for all San Franciscans.
With more than 10,000 dues-paying members, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is the largest city-based bicycle advocacy group in the country, and one of the most effective and well-respected grassroots organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our work has resulted in hundreds of miles of bike routes across the city, approval of protected bikeways on key crosstown streets, more open streets and parklets, and some of the highest bike ridership in the country. Thanks to the SF Bicycle Coalition’s decades of advocacy, San Francisco is now one of the best cities for bicycling in the country.
Recent successes include:
- 96% increase in bicycle ridership since 2006
- All day bike access on BART
- Protected bikeways on key crosstown streets, including Market, Fell/Oak streets, Bayshore Boulevard and San Jose Avenue
- Expanding education work to professional drivers, including all Muni and taxi drivers
- Great Streets Project which helped launch Sunday Streets, parklets and created more livable streets
- Bike It Forward events which provide free bikes for low-income residents
- Largest Bike to Work and Bike to School events in the country
Here’s more about our five year Strategic Plan, that helps guide our work.
Experience and Capabilities
We’re looking for a true executive leader — someone with a vision of where we need to go, the ability to build a plan for how to get there, and the inspiration to lead the team through the journey.
The Executive Director will work with staff, board members, community partners and an active membership to implement a plan to achieve the long term strategic vision for the organization: 50% of San Franciscans biking occasionally and 25% of San Franciscans biking each week. The Executive Director will hire, inspire, coach, manage, and develop our amazing staff of 20 to execute against that plan.The ideal candidate will have significant experience and success doing relevant advocacy work in the areas of transportation, urban planning and/or land use. We will consider candidates who have successfully advocated on other issues if the individual has a strong personal connection to our organizational mission and the goals of our Strategic Plan.
Additionally, we believe that the ideal candidate will be most successful if he or she is an excellent communicator, data driven in decision-making, a keen political strategist, and someone who understands the unique dynamics of membership organizations. Finally, fundraising is core to the sustainability of our nonprofit. The ideal candidate will have a strong history of creative and effective fundraising experience. Initially, the new Executive Director will do an assessment of our progress on the Strategic Plan, set long-term priorities for our infrastructure and policy initiatives as well as build on our diverse and strong fundraising base.
Send your resume and cover letter to the Search Committee at The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is an equal opportunity employer. San Francisco is a diverse community; we welcome and encourage candidates who represent and can work with people of many different backgrounds and orientations.