Tomorrow the SFMTA Board of Directors will discuss the future of the City’s work to improve and increase biking: Should the City continue the status quo of eking out a few improvements every few years, or should the agency put real resources behind improving biking – now?
The MTA Directors will be giving feedback to its staff on its new budget, and voting on a resolution to adopt Vision Zero, which is a proven action strategy to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries on our streets to zero over the next decade. The agency will also be hearing about the future of its 2013-2018 Bicycle Strategy. Though it’s tempting to get excited by the strong language of the Vision Zero resolution and draft project list in the Bicycle Strategy (notably, a year overdue), the sad reality is that neither piece of paper is currently backed by any resources in the agency’s draft budget. They’re just nice words on paper. And they’ll stay that way unless the agency Board takes action.
The shocking truth is that, right now, the City spends less than 1% of its transportation budget on biking. The MTA’s 2013-2018 Bicycle Strategy’s “Full Build Out Scenario” calls for the agency to spend approximately 8% of its overall budget on biking. What would this mean?
<1% vs. 8%
<1% Means by 2018 …
- Maybe completing the 10 remaining miles called for in the current bicycle plan
- Maybe expanding bike share to 500 bikes
- Maybe adding 1,750 bike parking spaces
8% Means by 2018 …
- Completing the 10 remaining miles called for in the current bicycle plan
- Upgrading 200 miles of the existing bicycle network to premium bike facilities
- Constructing 35 miles of new bicycle facilities
- Upgrading 200 intersections to accommodate bicycles
- Installing 50,000 bicycle parking spaces
- Expanding bike share to 3,000+ bikes
- Providing expanded support programs like more bike education classes.
It’s time to fund biking. Please email to get involved in our campaign to Fund Biking! There are many opportunities coming up in the next few months to let the City know that less than 1% is just not OK.
Follow our live tweet of the MTA Board meeting at #fundbiking