Trivia Time: When was the last time the roadway of the Golden Gate Bridge was closed for construction?
Answer: For 80 minutes in the early morning hours of a day in 1975, the roadway was closed for maintenance repairs. A whopping forty years later, starting at midnight this Saturday, the Golden Gate Bridge will close its roadway for 52 hours in order to install median barriers, significantly increasing bridge safety. Read more about this project here.
But don’t worry! For the many of you out there who walk, run or bike the bridge for commute or recreation, the east sidewalk will remain open the entire time during the construction. After receiving thousands of letters in support of keeping the Golden Gate Bridge toll-free, we know how many of you rely on the bridge for transportation and exercise, so rest assured that it will not be curtailed during the roadway closing. However, since the east side will be shared between people on bike and people on foot, don’t forget to bike slowly, safely and courteously!
Snapshot of Presidio Coastal Trail detours. View full map here (PDF).
We are also excited to share with you that the much-delayed improvements to the Presidio Coastal Trail have just begun. The project will build a bicycle and pedestrian bridge to enhance west-side access to the Golden Gate Bridge. These improvements will connect the Presidio Coastal Trail to Merchant Road and is expected to be complete by this summer. In the meantime, there will be some trail closures and signage for the detours to get to the bridge. Read more at the Parks Conservancy website here.
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