

  1. Events
  2. Arguello Extension

Clase para adultos para aprender a montar en bicicleta

Arguello Extension Arguello Blvd and Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA

Esta clase es en inglés y español. For English, click here. Para sa Tagalog, i-click dito. ¡Nunca es demasiado tarde para aprender a montar en bicicleta! La mayoría de las personas aprenden a montar en bicicleta durante el curso, pero aún si no es así en su caso, en el curso aprenderá consejos que le ayudarán […]



Arguello Extension Arguello Blvd and Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA

本课程以粤语和英语授课。For English press here. Para español, haga clic aquí 本课程面向参加过我们的成人学习骑行课程并希望在自己上街之前获得更多指导的人。我们将从练习初学者技能开始,包括自信地开始和停止,以及扫描和发出信号以传达下一步行动。在无车空间练习这些技能后,参与者将在有向导的道路上骑行以练习他们所学的知识。 所有参与者必须携带自行车或提前租用自行车。课程中不提供自行车出租,但您可以在附近租用自行车。我们将在课前通过电子邮件发送说明如何执行此操作。如果自行车租赁费用(20 美元)造成财务负担,请告知 Cecilia (cecilia@sfbike.org/415-236-3869)。 COVID 协议:如果您未接种疫苗,则需要在上课期间佩戴面罩。如果您已完全接种疫苗(即第二剂辉瑞/现代疫苗或强生疫苗后两周),则无需佩戴面罩。我们还鼓励学生和教师在到达课堂之前完成自我健康检查(详细信息将在确认电子邮件中发送)。我们将在现场提供口罩、洗手液、酒精喷雾和湿巾供任何人使用。 如有关于此计划的任何问题,请联系 Cecilia Vega-Mayer (cecilia@sfbike.org 或 (415-236-3869)。 该课程是 SFMTA 自行车安全教育计划的一部分,与旧金山自行车联盟合作举办。旧金山县交通管理局通过拨款 K 提案地方交通销售税基金使之成为可能。      var exampleCallback = function() { console.log('Order complete!'); }; window.EBWidgets.createWidget({ widgetType: 'checkout', eventId: '510942752527', iframeContainerId: 'eventbrite-widget-container-510942752527', iframeContainerHeight: 600 });


Smart City Cycling 2: Maneuvering

Arguello Extension Arguello Blvd and Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA

This on-bike class will focus on the bike-handling skills you need to safely and confidently ride in city traffic. The class will be conducted in a car-free space and is the second in the Smart City Cycling sequence. Smart City Cycling 1: Classroom or Intro to Biking in SF is a prerequisite for this course. If […]


Smart City Cycling 3: Road Practice

Arguello Extension Arguello Blvd and Lincoln Way, San Francisco, CA

In this class, we'll go on a guided group ride to practice street-riding skills on increasingly high-volume streets. This class is the third in the Smart City Cycling sequence, and Smart City Cycling 2: Maneuvering is a prerequisite. Topics covered include: Taking the lane Changing lanes Left turns Lane positioning and signaling This class will prepare you […]


*Events not officially sponsored or organized by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an asterisk. We post events that might be of interest to our SF area members; we do not necessarily endorse any particular group or perspective you may find represented here.

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