Join your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition as we make Golden Gate Park a place for people. Will you join us in making this extraordinary open space more welcoming for people who bike and walk?
In August Mayor Ed Lee identified Golden Gate Park as a priority location to reduce chronic speeding and through-traffic in San Francisco. As a first step in that process, the SF Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) installed speed humps and a raised crosswalk on John F. Kennedy Drive between Transverse Drive and Great Highway.
However, there is still more work to do.
The SFMTA is partnering with the SF Recreation and Park Department to identify long-term measures to to prioritize people walking and biking in Golden Gate Park. Join us at a community open house to share your experiences and ask that parks be for people, not thoroughfares for fast-moving vehicles.
Golden Gate Park Community Open House
Saturday, Dec. 3 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
San Francisco County Fair Building
1199 9th Ave. at Lincoln Way
Let’s seize this opportunity to help set the City’s priorities and make Golden Gate Park open and accessible to everyone.