In the build-up to a very close mayoral election on June 5, San Francisco voters turned out in numbers and exercised their right to vote. With the election now decided, London Breed will become the 45th mayor of San Francisco, only the second woman and the first woman of color to hold that office. The SF Bicycle Coalition looks forward to to working with her to advance her transportation agenda and continue towards a truly bike-friendly city for everyone.
We want to congratulate Mayor-elect London Breed on running a powerful campaign and winning a close race. We also want to congratulate her campaign supporters, especially those among our 10,000-plus members.
And we want to thank Jane Kim, Mark Leno and their supporters, who connected thousands of voters with opportunities to make our neighborhoods more inviting, welcoming places.
During this race, London Breed laid out a bold plan for the future of transportation in our city through her transportation platform and our candidate questionnaire. She called for more transportation funding, many more protected bike lanes across the city in order to achieve Vision Zero, and extending car-free Healthy Saturdays in Golden Gate Park all year long. We are excited to work with her towards these goals, and many more.
We can build a San Francisco where safe, healthy, sustainable streets are enjoyed by everyone. Let’s make it happen together.