The impacts of global climate change are being felt today and will continue to grow in scale unless we do something fast. One of the best things we can do to reduce our carbon emissions is to choose to bike. We want to make it easier for more people in San Francisco to make that choice and be local leaders in a global movement to slow the warming of our planet before it’s too late.
San Francisco can continue to lead the way with your support. That will take more and better-connected physically protected bike lanes. Our team is working day in and day out to see welcoming and physically protected bike lanes delivered all over our city, including along the Embarcadero, on Folsom and Howard streets, and San Jose Avenue.
I’m asking you to commit to fighting global climate change and grow our movement in San Francisco with a special, year-end gift to the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Education Fund.
Did you know that if just seven percent of urban trips in the U.S. were made by bike, we would reach the Paris Climate Accord goals intended to curb global warming? Not only are we striving to see that goal met in SF, but we’re showing the whole country how to make it happen. If you’ve been struggling with how you can make a difference in the face of truly daunting, global challenges, remember the importance of acting locally. Improving the experience of the everyday trips we take around our city is one simple, powerful way to start.
Setbacks and discouraging news will inevitably come our way. The secret is to keep pedaling on despite them, working to do what we can, right where we are. Eventually, we will arrive at our destination: a city and a world that are more just, verdant and peaceful.
We are on this ride together. Please let me know you’re riding alongside me, and make your gift today.