Almost everyone in SF has heard about the famous “Wiggle,” a key passageway connecting riders from neighborhoods such as the Haight, the Richmond District and more to downtown. A few passionate riders loved it so much, they made a video about it with an aptly chosen musical score.
We chatted with the director and SF Bicycle Coalition member Katherine Cima on the inspiration behind the production.
SF Bicycle Coalition: How did you first hear about the SF Bicycle Coalition, and what aspect of our work motivated you to join us?
Katherine: I first heard about the SF Bicycle Coalition when I moved to San Francisco in 2014. Beyond the great discounts that helped me buy my bike, I joined the Coalition to learn about biking in SF. At the time, I was new to the city and also very new to biking. (I hadn’t ridden a bicycle since 5th grade.) From the SF Bicycle Coalition, I received updates on bike lanes, community events and public policy issues that I, as a rider, care about.
What about the Wiggle inspired you to make a music video about it?
When I first moved to SF in 2014, I worked on Folsom street in SOMA and lived in Upper Haight. The first time I biked to work, I attempted to bike home on Haight Street. It was a disaster. I was definitely skeptical of my ability to do that everyday. I then discovered the Wiggle and thought two things: one, it is hilarious that SF has a bike route named “the Wiggle” and two, what an awesome way to bike home, avoid the hills and to bike on clearly labeled bike lanes.
At the time, Jason Derulo’s song “Wiggle” was still mildly popular. Since my mind tends to wander on my ride home, one day I was thinking it would be hilarious to make a music video of bikers on the Wiggle to Jason Derulo’s “Wiggle” song. In this viral age, everyone loves a good music video. I was also hoping it would be a way to raise awareness for riders that a safe, convenient ride home is possible on the Wiggle. A few months later, I met Erik Saltzman, the videographer, who was interested in filming the video and we made it happen!
What do you think is the best part about biking in San Francisco?
For me, the best part about biking in SF is commuting outdoors and getting my body moving before and after work. Biking is mentally and physically a great way for me to start and end my day, especially after sitting at a desk job for eight or nine hours. Biking is an escape from my day-to-day responsibilities and allows me to re-energize.
If you could change any aspect about biking here in San Francisco, what would it be? Why?
I think the relationship between people biking, driving and walking could improve.
Clear bike lanes that have developed over the past few years (like the one on Page Street!) have helped solve some of these issues, but clearer delineations separating people using our streets differently are needed to keep everyone safe and happy.
Your SF Bicycle Coalition is dedicated to delivering more welcoming streets for all San Franciscans. Want to support our advocacy work like Katherine? Join today and support better biking all year long.