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WEBINAR: Biking with Children

San Francisco, CA

Please register here. Riding bikes with your kids is one of the best ways to solve logistical problems while getting exercise outdoors and spending quality time with your young ones. There is really no more inspiring and creative way to get around and engage with our beautiful city! And you can do it while remaining socially […]


Freedom from Training Wheels

Cleveland Elementary School 455 Athens Street, San Francisco, CA

Freedom from Training Wheels is a great way to get kids riding without training wheels! This class is for children ages 2-5. We will have pedal bikes, balance bikes, and helmets available for your little one to use (and we will be sanitizing them between students). If you have your own, feel free to bring […]


Bike the Great Highway with WEN and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition

Taraval and Great Highway 2499 48th Avenue, San Francisco, CA

Join the SF Bicycle Coalition and Women’s Environmental Network for a family-friendly ride down the Great Highway. Along the way we’ll take in the amazing views along the coast in this new park space, talk about how to get more involved in advocacy efforts and make new friends along the way. At the end of […]


St. Peter's School/Escuela San Pedro 1266 Florida St., San Francisco, CA

¡Andar en bicicleta juntos en familia es una manera maravillosa de hacer ejercicio y divertirse! Ven a probarlo en nuestra feria de Family Biking, que presenta un taller divertido en bicicleta para adultos y un taller para aprender a montar impartido por YBike. Introducimos el ciclismo de una manera divertida, segura y estructurada. Sábado, 2 de […]


Family Bike Fair & Learn to Ride

Aptos Middle School 105 Aptos Ave, San Francisco

State Assemblymember Phil Ting and Aptos Middle School host the annual Family Bike Fair open to all San Francisco families. Come improve your bike skills, learn about Safe Routes to School, bike safety, and legislation that affects the community. Youth Learn-to-Ride, hosted by YBike - YBike provides balance bikes for ages 2-5 and children’s bikes of all sizes to use […]




Please register here. Riding bikes with your kids is one of the best ways to solve logistical problems while getting exercise outdoors and spending quality time with your young ones. There is really no more inspiring and creative way to get around and engage your surroundings! Register for this free class to learn about all the […]



Frank McCoppin Elementary School 651 6th Avenue, San Francisco, CA

State Assembly member Phil Ting and Frank McCoppin Elementary School host the annual Family Bike Fair open to all San Francisco families. Come improve your bike skills, learn about Safe Routes to School, bike safety, and legislation that affects the community. Youth Learn-to-Ride, hosted by YBike – YBike provides balance bikes for ages 2-5 and children’s bikes of all sizes […]


Biking with Children at Portola Branch Library! (in person class)

SF Public Library Portola Branch 380 Bacon Street, San Francisco, CA

Our Biking with Children class is back in-person!  Children are welcome and masks are required. Whether you're commuting, running errands, or simply want to get outside on a bike, learn how to bring your children safely along your ride!  This free class will teach you about all the cycling options for kids and parents, as […]


CANCELED: Freedom from Training Wheels – Western Addition Sunday Streets

Western Addition

CANCELED: Freedom from Training Wheels is a great way to get kids riding without training wheels! This class is for children ages 2-5. We will have pedal bikes, balance bikes, and helmets available for your little one to use for free (and we will be sanitizing them between students). If you have your own, feel […]


Family Biking Hangout at Panhandle Playground*

Panhandle Playground in San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA

Please join us for a family bikers play date at Panhandle Playground on Saturday, Oct 29, from 9:30am to whenever you have nap time (11:30ish). Everyone should feel free to bail as sleep schedules require. We’ll have coffee, donuts, coloring station, opinions about long-tail vs bucket bikes, and the best ways to carry a kid’s […]


On-Bike Practice for Beginning Adult Cyclists

Monroe Elementary School 260 Madrid St., San Francisco, CA

This class is in Chinese, English and Spanish. Para español, haga clic aquí. 粤语请点击这里。 This is a great class for those who are looking to get more comfortable balancing, pedaling, turning, and shifting gears before they head out onto the streets. The class will be on-bike, and the majority of the class will be off-street, in […]



San Francisco, CA

Please register here. Riding bikes with your kids is one of the best ways to solve logistical problems while getting exercise outdoors and spending quality time with your young ones. There is really no more inspiring and creative way to get around and engage your surroundings! Register for this free class to learn about all the […]


Paseo en bicicleta por la comunidad de Monroe en el Excelsior

Monroe Elementary School 260 Madrid St., San Francisco, CA

Esta evento es en español, chino, and in English. ¡Reúnase en la Escuela Primaria Monroe para un paseo comunitario en bicicleta por el Excelsior! Comenzaremos con un breve calentamiento fuera de la calle para asegurarnos de que todos nos sintamos cómodos manteniendo el equilibrio, pedaleando, girando y cambiando de marcha. Luego saldremos a la calle […]


Excelsior 社区的门罗社区自行车之旅

Monroe Elementary School 260 Madrid St., San Francisco, CA

活动以粤语授课,English, y español. 在 Monroe 小学集合,骑社区自行车穿越 Excelsior! 我们将从短暂的越野热身开始,以确保我们都能舒适地平衡、踩踏板、转弯和换档。 然后我们将走上街头,前往迈凯轮公园并返回。 请带上自行车和头盔。 <strong>没有</strong>自行车和头盔可供您在骑行时使用。 除非有成人陪同,否则此游乐设施适用于 18 岁及以上的人。 COVID-19 协议:如果您没有完全接种疫苗,我们鼓励但不要求您在上课期间佩戴合适的口罩。 我们还鼓励学生和教师在参加活动之前完成自我健康检查。 我们将在现场提供口罩、洗手液和湿巾供任何人使用。 如对本计划有任何疑问,请联系 Chester Hartsough(chester@sfbike.org 或 (415) 323-0564)。


Freedom from Training Wheels

Elm Alley 2-160 Elm St, San Francisco, CA

This class is part of I Love Tenderloin Week, and will be at Tenderloin Community Elementary School. Freedom from Training Wheels is a great way to get kids riding without training wheels! This class is for children ages 2-5. We will have pedal bikes, balance bikes, and helmets available for your little one to use […]


Richmond Neighborhood Ride

8th Ave & JFK Promenade 8th Avenue & John F Kennedy Drive, San Francisco, CA

Hey Richmond friends! Join us for a casual ride through the Richmond District, ending at Cinderella Bakery. You'll get the chance to meet your bicycling neighbors and chat with our staff about advocacy work and bike safety projects in the Richmond and how to plug in. Ride route: 10:00 am Gather at 8th Avenue and […]

Pride Parade Float and Banner Decorating Party!!

SF Bicycle Coalition – 1720 Market 1720 Market St, San Francisco, CA

Bring the sparkle and help us prepare for SFBike's contingent in the SF Pride Parade (happening Sunday, June 25)!  We'll be decorating our bike-trailer float(s) and painting banners, reflecting our contingent theme of supporting Black & brown trans folks' rights! We'll provide materials including paint, brushes, staplers, tape, zip ties, streamers, construction paper, and more. […]

SF Pride Parade: Join SFBike’s Contingent

San Francisco, CA

Experience the San Francisco Pride Parade firsthand with the SF Bicycle Coalition Pride Parade contingent! There is nothing quite like the thrill and exhilaration of riding down the center of Market Street in one of the biggest Pride celebrations in the world. Decorate your bicycle beforehand and craft the perfect Pride outfit. Bring the whole […]

Bike Talk: Bike Activism in Barcelona

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition 1720 Market St., San Francisco, CA

Cosmopolitan SF biking residents frequently look to Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Berlin for inspiration, but what about Barcelona? The SF Bicycle Coalition hosts researcher and advocate Jordi Honey-Rosés for a discussion of efforts in the Catalonian city to improve biking for all its residents. In the last decade, Barcelona has been at the forefront of innovative […]


SF Bicycle Coalition goes to City Youth Come First!

Treat Ave between 17th Street & Harrison St San Francisco, CA

Come visit the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition's booth as we celebrate back to school at City Youth Come First in San Francisco’s Mission District! We'll be rounding out the day with arts and crafts and handing out snacks! SF Bicycle Coalition swag will be available to decorate those notebooks as well!  The event will also […]

*Events not officially sponsored or organized by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an asterisk. We post events that might be of interest to our SF area members; we do not necessarily endorse any particular group or perspective you may find represented here.

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