We’re Listening: Member Input and Our Next Strategic Plan

As we develop our next five-year strategic plan, your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Board of Directors and staff have been soliciting feedback and input from members.  We began by hosting a member open house on April 19 to collect input on the organization’s future direction. The open house invited members to add ideas on sticky notes to various broad categories. Members who weren’t able to attend the open house were encouraged to send their thoughts via email to the Strategic Planning Committee.

We received significant input from the open house and subsequent communication and have completed the large task of synthesizing the data. Three main themes emerged: advocacy, member engagement, and organization. Members put forth many great ideas under each theme, summarized as bullet points below.


  • Reduce transportation network companies’ (Uber and Lyft) negative impact on urban cycling;
  • Improve safety with more protected bike lanes and better street design;
  • Create better, safer infrastructure in marginalized communities;
  • Work with the police department, fire department, and the SF Municipal Transportation Agency on education around cyclists’ needs; and
  • Find ways to prevent bike theft.

Member Engagement

  • Get members more involved in advocacy and education;
  • Communicate more effectively with members; and
  • Solicit more member feedback and input on SF Bicycle Coalition activities.


  • Improve/change how the board is elected and run; and
  • Increase member involvement for organizational sustainability.

A visualization of all the input we received is below:

Following the member open house, the Strategic Planning Committee and board conducted over 40 stakeholder interviews and community listening sessions during the next two months. The wealth of data collected during the interviews and listening sessions will be combined with member input to draft our strategic plan in the coming weeks.

We’re not done listening to you. Please watch for a member survey coming soon and member forums to be held in July or August. We intend to finalize the Strategic Plan this fall to guide our work for the next five years. For more information on the strategic planning process, please visit the strategic planning web page.

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